Batik is a method of dyeing fabric in which patterned areas are covered with wax so they remain untouched by the color. Multi-colored and…
Fall is a season full of sweet surprises. Whether it’s a pumpkin spice something-or-other, Quarter Back Crunch ice cream (it’s my PSL of autumn),…
With today being the 4th Saturday of the month, the theme is Reclaim-Recycle-Reuse. These posts are intended to highlight the fashion options available through…
Back in September of 2017, I published my first Last Week This Week post and launched a weekly linkup with that theme. I found…
The actual phrase is “a horse of a different color” but I’ll stretch on the concept. Back in November, animal prints were the common…
A floral print, soft gingham pattern, tiers of flounce … oh my! There’s a story behind the purchase of this floral and gingham maxi skirt and how it came to take up residence in my closet.
For a gal who lives in one of the warmer regions of SoCal, I have quite a number of coats despite little true need…
Rolling out the last new recurring theme for my Fine-Whatever link up with this plaid and velvet ensemble. Whether it’s a dusted off treasure…
Fall and boots go together like love and marriage, like a horse and carriage … you can’t have one without the other. That was…