The big excitement of last week was the ol’ closet switcheroo that I typically do twice a year. It’s not quite a full wardrobe…
Recently, I’ve been pondering on this thought when searching out fashion inspiration; are we being ignored or are we just bad for business? The…
Jumping ahead into Spring and sharing a few style notes for the new season. Whether that ol’ groundhog saw his shadow or not, temperatures…
With retirement quickly approaching at this point in March of 2020, I’d envisioned time and opportunity to explore and rethink how I wanted to…
As you may have deduced from last week’s “catch up with me next week message”, The Husband and I did a bit of traveling…
While I would normally publish a Would You, Could You post for the second link-up of the month, I thought that the topic of…
Have you ever bought a pair of pants with a front ankle slit that allows your boots to play peekaboo? And then did you…
By definition, a pin is a decorative piece of jewelry that typically has a sharpened wire on its backside by which it is attached…
Our lives are often viewed as a kaleidoscope of colors that continually change in shape and pattern. And while the fashion and style choices…