Some might say that I’ll never learn and those who do, I say, “Why ruin a perfectly good streak?” And honestly, if there’s one thing I’m consistent at, it’s finding new and creative ways to overcomplicate life and call it a plan.

If you’ve been reading this blog for more than a minute, then you’ve likely figured out that I’m a sucker for gimmicks. The names of my categories are a big tip-off as are creating a rotating set of themes for the weekly link-up. (I’ll share the status of the link-up at the end of this post.)

My first attempt at setting a list of goals/intentions/challenges to match the calendar year can be found in 16 Goals for 2016. Goal 16 on the list was … issue a monthly blog post called “16 for the 16th of” … which would be a look back on a month’s worth of new likes, discoveries, and as well as progress on the other goals. I only made it to March.

I came clean about my shortcomings with that self-imposed 16 Goals For 2016 challenge in 17 Challenges In ’17 & 16 Goals For 2016 Wrap Up. Trying a different approach for a second try, I set myself 17 3-week challenges for 2017. My success that year was not much better than in 2016. I made it through March and then in April, a few disruptions in my life shifted my focus away from the challenges. A reset attempt later in August didn’t go much better.

Are you sensing a pattern yet? I was, so I made no attempt at repeating failure again in 2018 or in 2019. By 2020, I was ready to give it another go with Happy New Year – 20 Targets for ’20. The last target on the list was to publish a monthly status report and as best as I can tell, I never published one. Once again I confessed my sins in an end-of-the-year wrap-up post, 2020: The Year That Was (And Wasn’t).

Not willing to admit complete defeat, I took a different approach for 2021. Instead of a set number of goals/ intentions/ challenges, my plan was to publish a blog post on the 21st of each month listing 21 of my top recommendations/ favorites/ideas as they relate to a topic for that month. I allowed myself to determine those topics as the year progressed and, in the end,  I met the challenge. Ya me!

Rather than tempt fate (or failure) and try again, I haven’t done another year-long challenge since. But 2025 will likely be a year like none before it and I need a plan to boost my mindset. A plan for focus and distraction. A plan where any achievement will count as success.

Although the title of this post eludes to a “freshness” of the goals and plans set forth, only a few haven’t been included in previous years’ challenges. Even so, each is worthy of inclusion (otherwise it would be difficult to have 25 of them). This time around, however, I won’t stymie myself with publishing monthly progress posts. Instead, I intend to use each goal as a topic for the 25 blog post goals included in the list.

While you might be a bit puzzled by some of the goals/plans, most are self-explanatory. I assure you that all will make sense once you read the related posts that explore each topic. Each of the 25s is a target I’m aiming for but could surpass.

I intend to give myself a lot of grace in assessing my successes so I don’t lose momentum toward self-improvement. The timeframe for a majority of the 25 goals/plans for 2025 is within the year. There’s another set that is monthly and also a few daily ones. 2-for-1s count for each so that should make achieving some easier.

25 of each during the year

Adventures/entertainments/days traveled away from home
Alcoholic beverages
Beach walks
Blog posts written
Connect in person with 25 family/friends who live more than 25 minutes from me
Creative projects
Find new blogs/SM accounts to follow
Golf (rounds or driving range)
Item limit on new clothing/wearables
New recipes
Pounds lost
Social media posts
Wear a clothing/accessory item I never seem to wear

25 of each every month

Declutter/purge personal items
Dinner eaten at home
New listings added to Poshmark
Paid work hours

25 of each every day

grams of protein per meal
minutes cleaning/organizing
minutes reading
minutes spent outdoors
minutes spent exercising

Cardigan – Lucky Brand, Purse – Fossil (both thrifted); Dress – Sonoma, Boots – Coconuts (both retail); Necklace – unknown (secondhand vintage)

As for the Fine-Whatever weekly link-up, it will resume in two weeks. Despite their waning popularity, I still believe in the value of link-ups so I will continue to host one. Mark your calendar and watch for the email.

My 25 for 2025 plan is ambitious, for sure, but doable. Whether I succeed or not isn’t the point; what matters is that I tried. What goals/intentions/challenges do you have planned for 2025? And of course, Happy New Year!

Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Photo credit: MMPerez

Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.


  1. I love all those old post themes. I wasn’t blogging or even reading many blogs back then. It’s funny you are doing this this year as I am jumping in with both feet this year, too. I’m not good with setting goals or resolutions. I think there’s a part of my brain that is inherently opposed to them! I’ll share my experiences with purging a set amount of items. I used to do a Lenten purge which amounted to 40 things (one each day of Lent though, technically, Sundays aren’t included). I ended up donating things I really did want but I needed to hit that number. I would walk into my closet and look for something, anything, I could donate. Probably more than you wanted to know, but I thought I’d share. Good luck on all these goals and plans!

  2. Well, best of luck to you on keeping these going. I do feel that even small progress is still progress so it all counts whether you successfully keep it going the whole year or not.

  3. I’m glad I stopped by your Blog today – I would have missed your update, otherwise. I’ve been traveling America, and connection is spotty in places.

    The 25’s seem like a good Plan and attainable Goals 😉 You can do it!

    I do check in to your Blog when I set down long enough to attempt connection … when I do get service, I’m “off Day” for your scheduled activities 🙁 {{1ST MONDAY OF THE MONTH – FRESH FOCUS; 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH – WOULD YOU, COULD YOU?; 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH – RECLAIM, RECYCLE, REUSE; 4TH MONDAY OF THE MONTH – POTPOURRI – a whole medley of topics that relate to style, home, food, or anything else that might come to mind; 5TH MONDAY OF THE MONTH – A WOMAN I KNOW }}

    I hope you continue to Blog & do the Weekly Fine Whatever: your posts are encouraging, wittily funny, & informative; I enjoy reading your posts – and seeing your current outfit 😉

    Whatever you decide to do, I know you will do it with passion and wit. Go easy on yourself, and do what’s best for you ~Shalom

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