If you’ve been reading this blog for more than a minute, then you’ve likely figured out that I’m a sucker for gimmicks. The names of my categories are a big tip-off as are creating a rotating set of themes for the weekly link-up. (I’ll share the status of the link-up at the end of this post.)
My first attempt at setting a list of goals/intentions/challenges to match the calendar year can be found in 16 Goals for 2016. Goal 16 on the list was … issue a monthly blog post called “16 for the 16th of” … which would be a look back on a month’s worth of new likes, discoveries, and as well as progress on the other goals. I only made it to March.
I came clean about my shortcomings with that self-imposed 16 Goals For 2016 challenge in 17 Challenges In ’17 & 16 Goals For 2016 Wrap Up. Trying a different approach for a second try, I set myself 17 3-week challenges for 2017. My success that year was not much better than in 2016. I made it through March and then in April, a few disruptions in my life shifted my focus away from the challenges. A reset attempt later in August didn’t go much better.
Are you sensing a pattern yet? I was, so I made no attempt at repeating failure again in 2018 or in 2019. By 2020, I was ready to give it another go with Happy New Year – 20 Targets for ’20. The last target on the list was to publish a monthly status report and as best as I can tell, I never published one. Once again I confessed my sins in an end-of-the-year wrap-up post, 2020: The Year That Was (And Wasn’t).
Not willing to admit complete defeat, I took a different approach for 2021. Instead of a set number of goals/ intentions/ challenges, my plan was to publish a blog post on the 21st of each month listing 21 of my top recommendations/ favorites/ideas as they relate to a topic for that month. I allowed myself to determine those topics as the year progressed and, in the end, I met the challenge. Ya me!
Rather than tempt fate (or failure) and try again, I haven’t done another year-long challenge since. But 2025 will likely be a year like none before it and I need a plan to boost my mindset. A plan for focus and distraction. A plan where any achievement will count as success.
Although the title of this post eludes to a “freshness” of the goals and plans set forth, only a few haven’t been included in previous years’ challenges. Even so, each is worthy of inclusion (otherwise it would be difficult to have 25 of them). This time around, however, I won’t stymie myself with publishing monthly progress posts. Instead, I intend to use each goal as a topic for the 25 blog post goals included in the list.
While you might be a bit puzzled by some of the goals/plans, most are self-explanatory. I assure you that all will make sense once you read the related posts that explore each topic. Each of the 25s is a target I’m aiming for but could surpass.
I intend to give myself a lot of grace in assessing my successes so I don’t lose momentum toward self-improvement. The timeframe for a majority of the 25 goals/plans for 2025 is within the year. There’s another set that is monthly and also a few daily ones. 2-for-1s count for each so that should make achieving some easier.
25 of each during the year
Adventures/entertainments/days traveled away from home
Alcoholic beverages
Beach walks
Blog posts written
Connect in person with 25 family/friends who live more than 25 minutes from me
Creative projects
Find new blogs/SM accounts to follow
Golf (rounds or driving range)
Item limit on new clothing/wearables
New recipes
Pounds lost
Social media posts
Wear a clothing/accessory item I never seem to wear
25 of each every month
Declutter/purge personal items
Dinner eaten at home
New listings added to Poshmark
Paid work hours
25 of each every day
grams of protein per meal
minutes cleaning/organizing
minutes reading
minutes spent outdoors
minutes spent exercising

As for the Fine-Whatever weekly link-up, it will resume in two weeks. Despite their waning popularity, I still believe in the value of link-ups so I will continue to host one. Mark your calendar and watch for the email.
My 25 for 2025 plan is ambitious, for sure, but doable. Whether I succeed or not isn’t the point; what matters is that I tried. What goals/intentions/challenges do you have planned for 2025? And of course, Happy New Year!
Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Photo credit: MMPerez
Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.
I love all those old post themes. I wasn’t blogging or even reading many blogs back then. It’s funny you are doing this this year as I am jumping in with both feet this year, too. I’m not good with setting goals or resolutions. I think there’s a part of my brain that is inherently opposed to them! I’ll share my experiences with purging a set amount of items. I used to do a Lenten purge which amounted to 40 things (one each day of Lent though, technically, Sundays aren’t included). I ended up donating things I really did want but I needed to hit that number. I would walk into my closet and look for something, anything, I could donate. Probably more than you wanted to know, but I thought I’d share. Good luck on all these goals and plans!
Well, best of luck to you on keeping these going. I do feel that even small progress is still progress so it all counts whether you successfully keep it going the whole year or not.
It’s good to set goals, even if we do go off track a bit. Great to hear that you’re going to continue with the link up!
Emma xxx
Happy 2025. You have set SMART goals-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time limited. A good plan for success. I look forward to the link-up.
Glad I stopped by today to check on your blog! I must have missed the email. Happy New Year! Looking forward to the link up again and to making 2025 a great year despite the challenges it might bring!
I’m glad I stopped by your Blog today – I would have missed your update, otherwise. I’ve been traveling America, and connection is spotty in places.
The 25’s seem like a good Plan and attainable Goals 😉 You can do it!
I do check in to your Blog when I set down long enough to attempt connection … when I do get service, I’m “off Day” for your scheduled activities 🙁 {{1ST MONDAY OF THE MONTH – FRESH FOCUS; 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH – WOULD YOU, COULD YOU?; 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH – RECLAIM, RECYCLE, REUSE; 4TH MONDAY OF THE MONTH – POTPOURRI – a whole medley of topics that relate to style, home, food, or anything else that might come to mind; 5TH MONDAY OF THE MONTH – A WOMAN I KNOW }}
I hope you continue to Blog & do the Weekly Fine Whatever: your posts are encouraging, wittily funny, & informative; I enjoy reading your posts – and seeing your current outfit 😉
Whatever you decide to do, I know you will do it with passion and wit. Go easy on yourself, and do what’s best for you ~Shalom
Great boots. Nice to hear an update. Have a super week. Jacqui x