It was 8 years ago today that I came out to my friends and family. “Oh, ok” was the typical response when I revealed the secret that I’d been hiding. Pretty much no muss, no fuss. Even though it had been going on for a little while, I’d wanted to wait until I had figured out a few things and felt comfortable with everyone knowing. I’d picked this day as my goal to be ready and to have everything in place. The Husband already knew (he was quite supportive) and I think I had shared the news with our kids as well. It was the rest of my world that didn’t know.
To be honest, I’m still a little bit shy to talk about it even though it is something that I take great pride in. Mostly, I think that’s because I feel like I’m probably doing it wrong. Not that there’s an absolute right way to do it but I could be more strategic, I could be more diligent, and I could be more engaging.
The first day my blog went live with a published post had occurred two months prior in early August. That first post was titled I Don’t Understand The Question and there was only one image in it. I was skittish about actually appearing on the blog so that image was of shoes (which makes sense if you’ve read the post). On the day of my blog reveal, I published my 13th blog post.
In most years, I’ve celebrated my blogaversary in August but that didn’t happen this time around (see The Summer Of My Discontent). Nothing wrong with having a belated celebration, right? So that’s what we’ve got going on today. And it’s my birthday.
I get a kick out of reading my past blogaversay posts although the one for 2019 was published on my birthday that year as well (see 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 for the other years). In each, I’d ponder on whether I would still be blogging in another year. There have been a couple of stretches over the years when I would “lose my mojo” and consider closing up shop as they say. Each time I’ve concluded that writing this blog felt/feels too important to me to stop, so I didn’t/don’t.
One of the things I usually include in my blogaversary posts are some stats about the blog. In the past 8 years, I’ve published over 450 blog posts on a variety of topics but mostly about fashion and what I like to wear. So far this year, the post with the most views is once again DIY: Retirement Survival Kit which I wrote 7 years ago. It has consistently been a high achiever year after year. The next three with the highest view counts were all written in 2023 and they are; Size Denial And A New ‘Fit’ness Plan, How To Live Your Best Life, and Editorial Planning.
For a while (a long while), I’ve been giving some thought to the direction of this blog as well as my original intentions. What’s my angle? What do I want to say? What’s the value of what I write? There have been times that I’ve fallen into the trap of comparing myself to other bloggers which is not very productive. A few random discussions with non-bloggers have given me some great ideas and inspirations.
By now you might have started to wonder about what I think I’m doing wrong? I second-guess myself. I have no problem developing an editorial plan but then I get stuck. Figuring out the look to go with the content and then getting the photos taken can be a huge mental challenge. I get stuck in my head and it can be difficult to move forward.
Then there’s the question of whether or not to monetize. After all, shouldn’t a blog make money? I rather like the look of my blog uncluttered by ads. Of the few legitimate brands that have reached out for a collaboration, none have really appealed to me. If I can’t be authentic, then what’s the point? While I do occasionally include affiliate links, that program has changed from click to purchase-based so the pennies I had been earning have just about disappeared.
I don’t quite know if I’m doing it wrong or not because, much to the chagrin of The Husband, I don’t blog to generate an income. Many of the standard metrics for measuring the success of a blog (or any business endeavor) are related to earnings and in my case, they don’t apply. I’m aware that some bloggers are moving over to Substack but since I don’t monetize or want to charge a fee, I don’t see the point in me doing that. Maybe I’m wrong about this, too?
As I was putting this post together, I reread the blogaversary post from last year which included a brief review of the prior 12 months. And you know, not much has changed since. Still loving retirement by the ocean, still baking with my pandemic sourdough starter, our oldest child still lives in another state, and our youngest still lives with us. We have traveled some more, even went on a cruise this past summer, and caught COVID again.
I’ve rambled on long enough about what I may or may not be doing wrong but the one thing I am doing right is celebrating my birthday. The Husband and I are in the midst of a mini trip, driving on a few roads we’ve never traveled along before. We’re heading to a destination that I’ve wanted to visit for some time and I’m hoping that we’ll get in some fall leaf peeping as well. That’s not such an easy achievement in Southern California. I’ll be sharing the highlights of our adventures in a future post and maybe on the ‘Gram.
So whether I’m doing it wrong or not, as long as this blog continues to challenge me, continues to record my life, and continues to connect me with other midlife women who enrich my life (and it does all three counts), it will be around for as long as I am.
Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, tweet, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.
Photo credit: MMPerez
Your thoughts about blogging seem to mirror my own. I’m not interested in monetizing. Some of the blogs that I used to love to read have become nothing more than what I would call “shopping blogs” since going that route. I write because I love to write. It’s who I am. And, like you, I love the connection that it gives me with my readers. Let’s just keep doing what gives us joy and not compare ourselves with anyone else!
I completely agree that we should focus on what gives us joy and avoid comparing ourselves to others.
Happy birthday! I don’t blog for money either and I too find it hard to know if I’m doing it “right” but I’ve realized more and more that I just don’t care.
Thank you for the birthday wishes and being wrong along with me ☺️
Happy birthday, fellow October birthday celebrator! I have read your blog for years but never commented until I began blogging myself. I just didn’t understand how that worked, I guess. I’m so glad you continue to blog as I see your blog as a “role model” for mine. I don’t monetize because the husband and I decided we didn’t want to deal with the tax implications. I’m also too lazy to add all that stuff! I was pretty proud of myself when I figured out how to get my Instagram and Poshmark feeds on.
You once commented on my blog that ours are not intended to be the mega-blogs but more a quiet space for people to read and think. I wish I could say mine are as thoughtful and intentional as yours are. I would love to get at least 100 subscribers…hahaha!!! I get so close and then lose a subscriber and always wonder what happened.
As for if you’re doing it wrong…nope! You’re doing it the best way. You’re doing it because you have something to say, and we want to read/hear it! Enjoy your birthday trip. I’m hoping to have one later this month.
Happy birthday! I love this post! I don’t think there’s any way to do this wrong, really. My blog has been around since 2011, and I have so much fun with it. (I’m 66, and even though my blog has “mom” in the name, I’m not a young mom, haha!) I get stuck a lot, too. There have been extended breaks several times over the years, but I enjoy the community so much, and I enjoy the blog. I have monetized my blog some, but I try to keep it as clutter-free as possible, so that it’s still enjoyable. And, may I say, you have absolutely amazing hair! I just had to tell you that. Stopped by from Esme Salon. So nice to find your blog!
I don’t think there is a wrong. I had a moment very early on that I could write to make money but be bored or I would write for me, so I chose the latter and I’m very happy with what I do. I’m small, and will never be much (tho Mercedes once placed an ad on my blog which I found hilarious). I think doing things for your own enjoyment is a good goal. #TrafficJamReboot
Well done Rena. There’s no right or wrong way to blog and it seems you’re doing great! Lovely yo meet you here. #wwwhimsy
Hello Rena…well if there’s a ‘right’ way to blog I don’t think I’ve ever been shown it. I’m sure there isn’t a wrong way either. One of my mothers frequent quotes was ‘it’s not right- it’s not wrong- it’s just different’ so all our blogs should be different because they are who we are.
Anyway having discovered yours today via the Wednesday Words & Whimsy link up I’ll be back regularly to see what you have to say. I’m liking the look of your black/white ‘outfit’ you’re wearing in this post
Oh and from one Libyan to another, a happy belated birthday – mine was on the 12th 🎂🥂❤️
Take care
Cathy #wwwhimsy