Often as we wake and shake our heads free of the cobwebs of sleep, The Husband will ask me about what I might have planned for the day. More often than not, my response has been “I’ve got to work on a blog post”. Then as is my typical inclination, I wind up not working on said blog post (or putting in a very minimal amount of effort) and the pattern repeats itself the next day.
It’s not for a lack of topics on which to write about that this happens. In its current state with a schedule of two posts per week, my editorial calendar is fairly full through the end of the year. I have oodles of ideas for content but what I lack right now is the desire to spend the time bringing it to life.
Or is it the discipline that I lack? I have a long history of starting projects that never get fully completed so I sometimes get bogged down by negative thoughts related to “you never finish what you start”. Back during my pregnancies, I remember thinking that it was a good thing that the timeline for gestation was completely out of my control because otherwise, those kids might never have been born. LOL
What I don’t lack is time since for the most part, I’m free to spend my days as I please. So what was getting in the way of me spending the few hours a couple of days a week that it would take to put together my two-a-week blog posts? This wasn’t something that had just popped up as I’ve been struggling with it for a few months. I was nearly to the point of closing down the blog which was something that I really didn’t want to do.
In that moment of clarity I mentioned previously, I came to realize the cause of most of my paralysis. By implementing a couple of new things recently to spice things up a bit on the blog, I’d set myself up for failure. Last August I started a monthly survey and then in March, I started a monthly style remix challenge. Both of these formats require follow-thru which seemed to trigger that all too familiar “you never finish what you start” anxiety. I’ve even realized that these negative thoughts also fuel the anxiety that keeps me from responding to readers’ comments and being a good link-up host who visits and comments on all contributed posts.
It’s me. I’m the problem. And it’s not the first time this cycle has happened. Excited about a new idea, get locked into a format and/or follow-up, paralysis sets in related to conforming to format or completing follow-up, and posts don’t get published. Lather, rinse, repeat. With this insight, what do I do about it?
Working from the point that I don’t what to stop blogging, I’ve needed to figure out what’s been getting in my way and I realized it was me. I’m the problem. So with that clarity, I’m taking things back to basics for a while. No surveys or style remix challenges for the foreseeable future and just one post a week on Mondays with a link-up party.
Let’s Wrap This Up
Now, onto the Fine-Whatever link-up. Today’s featured post from the last link-up, What’s A Good Review?, was shared by Marsha over at Marsha In The Middle. If you like to read reviews in your evaluation of whether or not to buy an item, you’ll probably agree with all of the points Marsha makes in her post on the subject. They might even help you write better reviews yourself.
Maybe this old dog doesn’t need to learn new tricks and I should just lean into my strengths instead. I enjoy blogging and sharing my thoughts on a variety of topics so that’s the path I’m going to stick to for a while. No other gimmicks, just keeping it simple. Thanks for sticking around.
Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, tweet, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.
Photo credit: MMPerez
Sounds like a very wise decision.
I still don’t understand how the link up thing works. Would you mind explaining how one gets involved in something like that? Is it a closed group?
Nice analysis – it’s sometimes hard to figure out what the barrier is, so it’s great that you were able to work it out! No need to make things more challenging for yourself than they need to be, your readers love your blog just as it is.
Good for you for noticing what was going on with your plans for your blog and making the changes to keep it going. If I don’t love what I’m doing, I know something isn’t right. Love the mixing of prints with this look!
It’s so much better to take a step back. Then you get the joy back!
A leisurely lifestyle can certainly reduce self discipline. I work far better to a deadline!
Blogging takes a lot of hard work and its always good to step back and make adjustments if something isn’t feeling right. Love your duster and this print mix!
Jill – Doused in Pink
That’s a fun dress and I really like your duster with it! Sometimes you just have to simplify things and take a step back – it’s good to do whatever works for you! 🙂
Thank you for the link up!
I’m in the same boat – I always start out with these great intentions and then can’t keep it up. I’m the problem too! But blogging is a lot of hard work and takes so much time to do it well – I have not had the time lately and have been on the struggle bus.
Glad you are not giving it up!
Writing my blog has given me something to do when I get bored and I have come to realize I might need to look at some type of part time job next school year. While I have enjoyed staying at home this year, it’s probably time to do something. I always enjoy reading your posts whatever they might be about, so I am glad you are sticking around!
Love your long, flowing layered outfit and print mix. Blogging can be a lot of fun, but is very time consuming. I enjoy your content and am glad you decided to keep going, but in a scaled back way. Enjoy your week!
Blogging certainly takes a lot of time and over the years, I’ve tried a number of ways to be more efficient with limited success. But never say never, right?
HI Rena, Understand and hear you about needing to get out of your my own way. LOL. Me too. Love your flowing outfit and have a beautiful day.
Good for you for analyzing your history and actions and determining the cause! I get anxiety about beginning so I procrastinate at times. It can be hard! Thanks for sharing how you feel though. It helps us all normalize our own actions a bit!
I’ve been having the same struggles; I typically post Mon-Friday and I have tons of ideas but more and more I have days with no post at all because I just can not seem to get up the desire to write the post, take the photos, link all the things, etc.
I was wondering what happened, yes sometimes we have to set back and just go with the flow. Thanks anyway for the opportunity to link up here this week.
I know exactly how you feel! Since I branched out into book reviews with NetGalley I’ve added a huge amount of process and bureaucracy to my blogging life. I enjoy the books but feel under pressure. Plus it’s more difficult in summer to take fashion pics outdoors, so I dread doing it! Your decision to focus on your strengths and what you enjoy is the right one to make sure you continue to love blogging.
Oh Rena, I relate to this big time! With me, I thought it was a lack of organization, so I set up two other blogs to separate out the topics. In some ways it did help and in others, it just added more pressure. The separation of topics did show me one thing – I’m no longer fond of writing outfit posts. And yet, I am loath to give up the camaraderie.
Blogging takes time. That is a fun dress.
Thank you for the link up
Glad your decision was not to close the blog and you’ve found a way to make it work.
The Style Fanatic
Very nice dress and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Thanks for hosting.
I understand your dilemma well. I thought I would spend more time on my blog once I retired but I’ve become interested in other things that take time. I think we all should just do the best we can when we can, as my DAR friend says, “We are all volunteers.”
Great post, Rena – I think you’re wise to simplify your blogging schedule and responsibilities so that you can continue to enjoy the whole blogging process. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 65.
I can totally relate to this Rena! Just lately there doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done. Sometimes it’s good to scale things back and take the pressure off.
Emma xxx
Hi Maira is here.. well you look pretty & go with the flow Rena, thanks for sharing.
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