It’s reasonable to assume that most of us start our endeavors with “the best of intentions”. Striving for good outcomes even if the results don’t quite hit the mark.

Whether purposefully or unwittingly, an intention will most certainly fall short if there is no action. And action requires a plan and a well-thought-out strategy. Google “elements of a good plan” and you’ll get over a billion results that outline anywhere from 3 to a zillion essential elements needed for effective planning.

Broadly speaking, a good plan needs a defined vision or mission or objective. What it’s called is less important and only relevant to the context of the plan. Next is developing a strategy for achieving that vision/mission/objective. And lastly, consideration must be given to the approach and/or tactics that will be used. In many ways, these steps are not unlike the thought process one might go through when putting together an outfit.

My vision/mission/objective for the outfit in these photos, besides befitting the topic, was to showcase the boots. These Cobb Hill Winter Chelsea Boots were sent to me in exchange for a post on my Instagram Feed (an obligation that I have fulfilled). They are very comfortable, and if I may say stylish, and so I feel that they are worthy of further endorsement.

Beyond that, my strategy for assembling today’s outfit was to take cues from current trends as well as to shop my closet for pieces not previously worn. Like the more relaxed silhouette for denim that’s butting heads with the ongoing skinny jeans craze, for which I’m glad. Variety is the spice of life, ammiright? These patched-up beauties have been in my closet for several years and I adore the bits of sparkle. Then there’s the resurgence of the looser-fit blazer which I first wrote about last summer in Inspired By: Magnificent 8 Collaboration. In this endeavor, I believe I’ve succeeded.

However, there’s another reason or two that the phrase “the best of intentions” has been rolling around in my brain. First, did you catch the finger point in the photo above? While out and about with The Husband shortly before taking these photos, I noticed two billboards at the same intersection where the primary subject was pointing much like I am. The advertisements were for a law firm and an insurance agency if I recall correctly. Initially, the coincidence of the similarities of the visuals struck me as odd, and then I realized the subliminal message; “you need to take action”.

Not to point a finger at anyone, let alone imply that I’m not also guilty but, what have been your “best of intentions”? I’ve been pondering on this as it relates to this blog for a while now. A couple of weeks ago I was yet again stumped to answer the question “what is your blog about?”. Yet another reminder that by now I should have defined that for myself. Where’s that elevator pitch I had intended to write for myself? I usually launch into an overly long explanation of what my motivations were for starting a blog without really talking about my vision/mission/objective. Why do I get embarrassed as saying that I write about me?

Let’s Wrap This Up

Now, onto the Fine-Whatever link-up. My featured blogger from last week’s link-up post is Anna, the insightful fashionista, interior stylist, cosmopolitan cook and everything-in-between behind Looking Fabulous At 50.

So, I need to take action. No more relying on that “best of intentions” nonsense. I don’t expect that there’ll be a lot of big changes with the blog, probably just a few subtle ones. Like dropping the rotating weekly themes for these link-up posts. While I’m sticking with a couple of them for the time being, I don’t want to feel locked into a format that constricts me.

It’s been helpful sharing this with you and if you have a few words on wisdom in the subject, please do share them in a comment.

Stay well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, tweet, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, some or all of the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.

Photos: MMPerez


  1. I love this look. It is right up my alley. I still feel a little uncomfortable taking pictures and talking about myself on the blog, but then I try to remember that it is a way to connect with people and hopefully provide some encouragement. I appreciated your post today, because I have been struggling with that idea of taking action when it comes to making better choices for my health. Better than pointing a finger as in the advertisements you saw, I think of our little blogs as a way to come along side other women, put an arm around their shoulders and say, “Hey, I get it! Let’s try to move ahead together.” Thank you for doing that for me today! – Amy

  2. mireilleftm

    I really love how you showcase a lot of your thrifted finds. Once again, you look right on trend but unlike others which is something I like in bloggers: uniqueness! You inspire me to shop secondhand and to be creative. I am aiming to spend less money on clothes this year and get back to the original intent of my blog which was how to dress on a budget, sharing more budget travel tips and so on.

  3. I have enjoyed shopping more on Poshmark over the years and have been combining pieces in my closet. I enjoyed that you are featuring the boots with the fun denim and blazer.. one of my favorite “uniforms’. i do understand objectives and taking action.. certainly with my health, I wouldn’t be where I am without doing so.
    jess x

  4. Funny you should mention Intentions/ Goals.
    I just finished a workshop in Goal Setting for Artists. In addition to what you mentioned above, a very helpful thing to think about with a goal is answering the “Why” for yourself. I think that drills it down to “Is this thing important to me?”

    One of my three things (they say limit yourself to three major goals at one time) right now is decluttering. OMG. I’m in the chaos/ ugly stage. Yesterday, I went through a box that had old teaching handouts from 2003! Yikes.

  5. isthismutton

    Great casual look. Love the boots. I used to feel embarrassed about describing the blog but really we’re empowering women to be their best selves, because we wear what we like, and share it, and we’re “normal” , no retouching or botox.

  6. Great job with the outfit – love the new boots! Isn’t it funny that we struggle to talk about our blogs? I do the same, I hardly ever mention it to people when I am out and about but I’m gonna turn over a new leaf and start promoting myself. I hope you do too – let’s be bad ass midlifers and proclaim it to the world!!!

  7. First, I love this outfit! It’s what I aspire to but rarely reach…you know…that casually chic yet cool look! You’ve got it mastered! Second, I love Cobb Hill shoes and booties. I think they were a child of Rockport and New Balance when they started. It really doesn’t matter because they’re so doggone comfortable! I have a couple pairs of shoes that verge on “old lady” but look ok with pants and jeans. Third, intentions are so very insidious, aren’t they? You start out with this wonderful idea and then run out of steam. If I were doing a word of the year, I think mine would be intent. It just came to me out of the blue one day. Last, I look forward to the changes you make or don’t. I do enjoy reading your blog and learning more about you. I started my blog in July and am struggling already with what to say! I’ve decided I don’t really care what kind of blog I have. Producing the blog is the important thing, right?

  8. I think those are great boots and you’re right the outfit showcases them well (they are such fun jeans!). I think it can be hard to find justifications for our hobbies sometimes – but at the end of the day my blog is something I really enjoy. I can sum it up in a few seconds (one sentence) or talk about it for hours if people are interested, haha! It’s something I really love and I think it’s good to get that practice sharing what you do and love with others.

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope that your week is off to a good start 🙂

  9. The struggle is real! I still feel weird telling people I have a blog! I don’t know why because when they find out, they’re always excited to read it. I need to get better about that! Those boots are really cute and look like they’re comfortable too!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  10. I know what you mean about about the blog, when someone asks me, I do exactly the same thing! Funny, really!
    I am in love with your boots, Rena. Actually, I’m in love with the entire outfit! I think you styled it brilliantly.
    Have a fabulous weekend!
    Suzy xx

  11. Aw, Rena, you should not be embarrassed to say that you write about yourself! It is our personal experiences that give us all the things to write about, after all! But I get it. If I have to describe my blog, I generally say it is a lifestyle blog where I share things about my life and experiences and, of course, my personal fashion, too. My purpose is simply to inspire in whatever ways I can.

    I love this badass outfit on you! The patchy jeans are super cool. And the classic white button down with black blazer keeps it all super edgy. Your new boots are fabulous, too!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!
