A Beddian Birthday occurs on the day when a person becomes the age of the last two digits of their birth year. I’m bringing attention to this because today is my birthday, and yes, it is my Beddian one. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you do the math.

Since I like math, I’ll help you out. For persons before 2000, the equation looks like this: ((current year) – 1900)/2 = age at Beddian Birthday. If you were born in or after 2000, the equation would be: ((current year) – 2000)/2 = age at Beddian Birthday.

The first known recognition of the phenomenon of celebrating the day you become the same age as your birth year has been attributed to NYC firefighter Bobby Beddia. He’d shared with a friend that he felt his birthday that year was particularly lucky. Although, according to a published story, it may not have been so for Bobby.

So yes, this long and drawn out ramble is my way of finally getting around to sharing that today, in the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, I have reached the age of 60 (cough, cough). That’s me choking on saying that out loud, not a display of a potential symptom of COVID-19. Knock on wood, all is good in our household on that front.

Like so many others with plans for celebrations in 2020, social distancing was not what I had long thought would be what be happening today. There would have been a substantial party with family and friends. Probably with a country-western theme ‘cuz that’s how I roll.

Instead of a blow-out celebration, things will instead be quite low-key. My guys and I have a tee-time set for later this morning. In fact, I’m thinking that I’ll wear this outfit. These are the same joggers as in yesterday’s Would You, Could You? Camo Joggers post but in gray. I’d thrown together this look to include it in the In Pursuit Of A Perfect Wardrobe: 7 Pitfalls To Avoid post and I really like it so it gets the honor of being featured in this post. The hoodie and boots are both thrift store finds.

After golf (and a change of clothes), we’ll likely have dinner out at a local restaurant with patio seating. Our daughter has said that she and her boyfriend will stop by later in the evening with dessert. Social distancing protocols will be observed. Not quite the night of ruckus and line-dancing I’d hoped for, but I’ll survive. We all will.

Anyone else have their Beddian Birthday this year? Even if not, how have you celebrated your special day in 2020?

Be well and let’s keep in touch! Subscribe, tweet, follow, friend, pin … all options are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Note: This is an unsponsored post; however, the links to clothing items are associated with an affiliate program where I earned a few cents for each click.


  1. Rena, you look fabulous! Happy Brthday !!! xo These pandemic celebratons are far from what we’d like and being thankful, as we are, just for getting through it ( knock on wood, poo,poo, poo) it is not quite the party we’d want. I hope the day with your awesome family is full of love,social distanced smiles, air hugs, good food and wine. Looking forward to giving you a real hug ( hopefully) the next time you’re on the east coast.

  2. “Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!” “Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!” “Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires!“

  3. Rena, happy birthday! ALthough you are unable to have a large celebration, it sounds like you had a lovely day planned. I hope you enjoyed it and were able to have many belly laughs and feel all the love from your family and friends in some way or another.


  4. marsha57 – Indianapolis, IN – Hey! I'm a blogger at marshainthemiddle.com. Come see what it's like to be a middle!

    I’m not celebrating my Beddian birthday today, but it is my birthday! We are going to Newfields, the art museum in Indianapolis. The gardens are decked out in pumpkins and gourds. We won’t be going inside because Indiana’s numbers are on the rise. As for how we’re celebrating…very low key…dinner picked up from some restaurant and Zoom wishes from the kids and grands. Happy first Covid birthdays to us all!

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