Last Week This Week is a look back at what I actually wore last Monday thru Friday as long as it was a workday. I’ve included a brief description of each outfit and if I wore it for a specific event other than a typical workday. Without a specified dress-code in my workplace, casual Friday isn’t really an official thing but I usually adhere to it nonetheless.

It was a short work week again because of the Labor Day holiday so there are no outfit photos for Monday.


I’ve been digging around in my closet and rediscovered a few gems that have become “new options” on my list of to-go items. The lace-ups in this look are one of these. I bought them out of desperation a couple of years ago while in NYC for the day and the shoes I’d been wearing became wholly inappropriate and terribly uncomfortable.  During this recovery from the broken bone in my foot, I’ve not ventured back into my higher heeled footwear yet even though there’s no physical reason not to do so.  I’m feeling as though I’m in the midst of a style transition.


This rather bold floral blazer first appeared on the blog in Trending Style: Side Stripe in a more casual look. That, of course, didn’t stop me from taking it for a spin in an outfit styled for the office.


I’ve worn the blazer, pants, and booties together before but this time I paired them with my sleeveless polka dot blouse instead of a long-sleeve plain white one. Plaid, polka dots, and animal print … sounds crazy, but it seems to work.


I was out of the office all day so the photos for this look were taken after I got home from work. Since I knew I’d be on my feet a lot, I opted to wear a pair of Grasshoppers that I’ve had for a few years. And since it was still a work day, I think the seersucker blazer gives this Friday Casual look a bit of a professional edge. I get some of the most amazing comments when I wear this pineapple tee.

And there you have it, a look back at what I wore to work last week.  How do you decide what you will wear to work? Let me clarify … unless you’ve declared yourself to be checked out from any type of routine, anything you do during daylight hours (and sometimes nighttime ones as well) whether or not you get paid for it, I consider that to be your “work” and you should/can be dressed accordingly. And even if you are retired, in whatever manner you’ve enjoyed your day is good enough for me.

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  1. shelbeeontheedge1 – Watertown, NY – Over 40 Blogger living on the edge of sanity, midlife, and fashion. Army wife, boymom, and serious coffee drinker.

    Rena, I always love this series and seeing your creative outfit combinations! I shared this post as my #BlogCrush this week!


  2. Lucy At Home – UK

    Wow you look fabulous! I really admire your style. After being a stay at home mum for 7 years, I’ve just started a part time job in a school and I suddenly need to revamp my wardrobe (because I pretty much lived in jeans, but the school have a zero-denim policy). I didn’t think that I dressed particularly badly before but it’s amazing how much more confident I’ve felt dressing in “professional” clothes these last few weeks!

    And congratulations because someone loved this post so much, they added it to the BlogCrush linky for some extra exposure. Congratulations! Feel free to grab your “I’ve been featured” blog badge 🙂 #blogcrush

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